Monday, January 2, 2012

Transformers PRIME Exclusive Update !!!! Bulkhead

This is Bulkhead from Transformers Prime. I've some bad news Ladies and Gentlemen. This Review of the Bulkhead toy will come in a bit of disappointment for me because the toy has some flaws which i don't know why but i hope you fans and collectors will advise and tell me likewise what to do with this particular issue which i will mention as we go on. So just read on.

Bulkhead goes very well with the display stand has his size is rather big and he makes fantastic balance with the display stand which was given and his looks are maximised.

Made his hand go up to show that he is the best !!!!

Just imagine how many type of different poses i can make with Bulkhead. The reason being he is bulky like his name mentions and he is easily balanced in any posture so it's easy to get him to pose in different ways and yes the wind dosent affect the weight of the toy because it's quite heavy and if you were to make an hard stunt to make him look cool and unique you really don't have much problems doing that at all.

Bulkhead's articulation and design is really fantastic as a toy itself. Compared to the previous version of him which i think most of you will remember was back in the year 2007 - 2008 era where he was a bit of a Armored truck mode in transformers animated series. I didn't like the transformers animated toys very much because the Transformers characters looked so badly animated and very unappealing in design well at least for me that is. Well we have move on anyways and this latest result of the toys are much better.

Wanted to get you the extreme close up of  Bulkhead's face. As you can see even his face is made with perfect precision and design he looks exactly like himself in the Transformers PRIME Series.The paint job for this toy is great and well done.

A cool look from behind looks like he is gonna boogie !!!! Overall the toy's robot form is great and full of great appreciation for me. But here comes the disappointing part when he becomes the vehicle form when i tried to transform him. I don't know whether you guys have the same problem as i have but please give me a buzz so i know what is really going on. I tried the transformation for 2 hours and it just didn't go right for me in the end. Sigh !!!! Well read on people !!!

As you can see here this is the front part which was giving me the problem it just couldn't fit in properly to have that front boot down.

As you can see from the side view the top part of the boot pops up it looks as though it's boot is popping up but the problem even the front spoiler dosent fit in it also sticks upwars so i can't bring the entire front part down. But i suppose it's a design flaw which i think is the main problem. Please tell me if you have similar problems with your Bulkhead toy too.

The Colors of the Bulkhead's vehicle form is fantastic though i must say it looks like an army type truck having the colors of the army uniform.
The tires are large and match the vehicle perfectly.

Top view of the vehicle.

As you can see here this is the front part of the vehicle which i told you about is the one giving me the most problem trying to get it to fit in properly. I really was dead pissed when i was transforming this toy and trying to get that part in for almost 1 hour and i went back home and transformed it back to robot form and also back to vehicle again but i wasn't successful at all . Sigh !!!!

So be fore warned you may encounter this problem for your self. Well we are here to help each other right?
Please share with me your experiences and post me pictures of your bulkhead toy so i can see what can be done to salvage my bulkhead again (well if there is any chance for me to do that)
Sigh !!!!! .

Generally speaking Bulkhead is a great toy and design is really fantastic too but for em i'd reather transform it to the robot form to make it look much nice as it's vehicle form has some problems and would not like if i displayed it. But nevertheless you should get this toy because it's also an hot seller in the Transformers PRIME toyline series and it's one of the main important characters to be in every episode and the story always revolves around this particular character together with Arcee and the kids.

So buy the toy and i will buy another one myself to see if there is going to be a problem in the other new toy too. So i can transform one the problem toy i have to a robot and the new one (if i dosent have the same problems) to be permanently put in vehicle form for display.

More Reviews coming up !!!! Cheerz Collectors and again a Happy new year !!!!
2012 !!!!

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